Get abortion pills in Dubai


Get abortion pills in Dubai

Our advice line is available 24 hours a day. We can offer you a visit within 48 hours. 98% of our clients have their abortion funded by the NHS. You can pay for an abortion privately if you prefer or are not eligible for NHS funding.

To find out if you are eligible for NHS funded treatment, call our helpline on +971 56 201 3046. You can also get information about private treatment there.

Can I get an NHS abortion?

Most people can — over 95% of abortions in the UAE carried out by Marie Stopes are funded by the NHS.

If you want, your GP can refer you to our abortion services. However, you can also refer you to us for an abortion and if you do not want to, you do not need to tell your GP that you want to have an abortion. Although medical care for women in Northern Ireland is not available from the NHS, in June 2017 the Government of the United Emirates State announced that it will undertake to cover the cost of medical care for women from Northern Ireland who are treated in UAE.

Would you like to learn more about abortion within the NHS?

We have created a new website dedicated to ‘NHS Abortion’ to help you find all the information you are looking for about NHS funded abortion care.

What if I do not qualify for NHS funding?

If you are not eligible for NHS funding, we also provide private abortion treatment. A list of our fees can be found later in this page. You can pay in cash (pounds sterling or euros) or by credit/debit card — payment should be made in person when you come to visit. If someone else pays for you by card, they will have to come too.

If you think you will have difficulty paying for an abortion, call us to talk about it before making an appointment. Click for more update about abortion pills @ get abortion pills in Dubai

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